Saturday - 10:30am
Natick A1
Peewee AA
Alexander S. Bajko Skating Rink
Saturday - 5:10pm
Bantam A
Veterans Memorial Skating Rink
Saturday - 6:10pm
6th Place
Bantam AA
Malden Valley Forum
Sunday - 9:20am
7th Place
Squirt A
Alexander S. Bajko Skating Rink
Sunday - 10:30am
Railers Q4 Winner (If nec
Peewee AA
Boston Sports Institute - Rink 1
Sunday - 12:50pm
Q3 Winner (If necessary)
Bantam AA
Loring Ice Arena
Sunday - 12:50pm
Bantam A
Dorchester (if necessary)
Breakaway Ice Center
Sunday - 6:10pm
Squirt AA
Emmons Horrigan O'Neil Memorial Rink
4/5 - 11:20am
Peewee AA
S1 Winner (If necessary)
Haverhill Valley Ice Forum - Gold
4/5 - 11:20am
Bantam A
Q3 Winner (If necessary)
Devine Rink
4/5 - 12:50pm
Bantam AA
S1 Winner (If necessary)
Valley Forum Ice Arena
4/5 - 2:00pm
Q2 Winner (if necessary)
Squirt AA
Devine Rink
4/5 - 2:20pm
Squirt A
Q3 Winner (If necessary)
Buffone Arena
4/6 - 9:00am
S2 Winner (if necessary)
Squirt AA
Haverhill Valley Ice Forum - Gold
4/6 - 11:10am
Squirt A
S1 Winner (If necessary)
Haverhill Valley Ice Forum - Blue
4/6 - 5:10pm
Bantam A
S1 Winner (If necessary)
Hockey Town USA Inc - Rink 3

About Us

Hyde Park Youth Hockey (HPYH) works to provide a fun and safe skating experience for the beginner, as well as the more advanced skater. Our program also teaches youth the correct techniques and simple basic elements of the sport of hockey all while promoting health and physical fitness.

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